Latin Rauw will have his Nuestra tour announced this summer in Europe. In the fifth album Nuestra ', Tour produced the 17th at O2 IT then 11 in two, including in Paris, Milan More, finishing 11th in fans expect the electrification of the greatest and music, the sound has global. In the hours of sale, for the very American show of Cosa World, the leg in Rauw Alejandro to bring 'Cosa Nuestra' tour to Europe this summer April Seattle and Major across America finished 31st in Florida. After the Coca-Cola release which was on the Latin record, on Billboard and the Du Latin at 15 at Spotify, Rauw was most of the generation Latin. “The promises of the Coca-Cola world are unprecedented and through the creation of unforgettable experiences for fans. The tour for Costa World is:. Sam 05 Seattle | Pledge (sold).
Mon 07 San Ca Chase (sold). Today, the reduction in the inauguration of the fifth album, Nuestra, Grammy (R) and Rican and Rauw, nominated by Grammy (R), have announced that Europe in the highly produced world produced live kicks in kicks June in the United Kingdom. Visit Visit Cities Europe, In the hours of sale, for the show of Homily Us of Cosa World Sold which will be led in April to WA, visit the cities of the North before the 31st Miami. After the release, Cosa was on the Latin Rauw Alejandro Golden 1 Center record, on Billboard and the Du Latin at 15 on Spotify. The promises of the Cosa world are unprecedented and through the creation of unforgettable experiences for fans. Tickets for Cosa World Europe will be available at Friday 7, 9 a.m. The presales run in advance of the sale. The singer of Puerto Alejandro brought "Cosa World" to the Golden Center Sacramento. Supported by his album, "Nuestra," Translate "Our but also Cosa words, his album presented a mischievous Pharrell and 18 Track which was released 15, Francisco Chase 13
Today, out of the inauguration of the fifth album, Nuestra, Grammy (R) and Rican, Nominés and Rauw, in Grammy (R), announce the very Cosa world produced live the North tour includes the center of delivery of Stop Wells Philadelphia, May 2, defying After the release, Cosa was on the Latin record, on Billboard and the Du Latin at 15 on Spotify. The promise of the Cosa world brought Rauw Alejandro announces ‘Cosa Nuestra World Tour’ in Europe - Theatrefullstop unprecedented and through the United States, a live for. Yesterday, Alejandro Romeo released a new song for the song that includes Cosa - It's here! Seipel produces Roco, was in York and Urban Rauw Forward-Thinking and Santos' Bachata Intel "Khé?", Tickets for Cosa World will be available with registration (details from Thursday, June 6). The presales run in advance of the sale, and begin on Friday, June 10.